Our Hindu rashtra : what it is. How we got here /

Patel, Aakar,

Our Hindu rashtra : what it is. How we got here / Aakar Patel. - Gurgaon Harper Collins 2022 - viii, 255 pages; 23 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Foreword -- Introduction -- 1. Partition without emotion -- 2. The house that Jinnah built -- 3. Burning down the house -- 4. Hindutva's garbled mantras -- 5. And then came Advani -- 6. The myth of appeasement -- 7. Keep the faith (or else) -- 8. Apartheid Ahmedabad -- 9. Supreme complicity -- 10. That mosque in Awadh, and others in Gujarat -- 11. Punishing crimes that didn't happen -- 12. Kashmir: otherwise occupied -- 13. Artifice for the holy cow -- 14. How to fight it -- Index.

Hinduism and politics--India.

India--Politics and government--20th century.
India--Politics and government--21st century.

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