Democracy, civil society and governance /

Shah, Ghanshyam,

Democracy, civil society and governance / Ghanshyam Shah. - pages cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Preface -- Introduction -- Civil society : historical background -- Civil society organizations and social activists -- Civil society and education : reproducing hegemony and inequality -- Self-employed workers and their empowerment -- Legal recourse and collective struggles of the subalterns -- Social movements of the non-poor -- Narmada Dam : development and displacement -- Epilogue.

9789353281793 (print (pb)) 9789353281809 (e pub 2.0) 9789353281816 (e book)


Civil society--India.
Representative government and representation--India.
Social structure--India.
Economic development--Social aspects--India.
Poor--Political activity--India.

JQ281 / .S48 2018

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